Horowhenua District Council

Urupā (Whānau) Maintenance Fund

This is a preview of the Urupā (Whānau) Maintenance Fund - Application Form - 2024/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Urupā (Whānau) Maintenance Fund

* indicates a required field.

Urupā Details

Address Line 1 and Suburb/Town are required. 

Applicant details

Eligibility criteria

Please attach one of the following: 

  • Copy of the Certificate of Title; or
  • Screen shot from the Māori Land Court (Pātaka Whenua); or 
  • Copy of the notice in the New Zealand Gazette establishing a Māori reservation for the purpose of an urupā 
Attach a file: Select stored file

    Urupā maintenance

    Attach a file: Select stored file

      Please summarise below what the grant will be used for:

       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required
       * Required

      Must be at least 1 rows

      Maximum $500.00

      Financial details

      Is the urupā administered by a trust or other legal entity? * Required
      Are you GST registered? * Required
      Response required.Response required.
      Attach a file: Select stored file