Horowhenua District Council

Horowhenua Major Events Fund

This is a preview of the Horowhenua Major Events Fund - Expression Of Interest form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Your Details

* indicates a required field.

Contact Details

(If applying as an Organisation)
Must be an email address. 

Event Details

eg Event owner, event delivery agency
Must be a date. 
Must be a date. 
(eg 3 days)
Is this event exclusive to Horowhenua? * Required
No more than 1 choice may be selected. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 500 characters. 
Is your event open to the public to attend? * Required
No more than 1 choice may be selected. 

Is your event held within the Horowhenua District Council boundaries?

Horowhenua District Council Boundaries

No more than 1 choice may be selected. 
Is your event accessibility friendly? * Required
No more than 1 choice may be selected. 
eg Families, young people, sports fans
How many people do you expect will attend your event in total?
Where do you expect the remainder of the attendees to come from?
What media attention do you anticipate this event to attract?
Does your event directly align with a particular sector?
Tick all the sectors your event aligns with:
Word count: