Horowhenua District Council

Community Events and Programmes Fund - Round 2 - 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Community Events and Programmes Fund - Application Form - Round 2 - 2024/2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Before You Begin

The Community Events and Programmes Fund provides support funding to community not-for-profit or voluntary organisations for costs associated with either: 

  • Community and social development programmes that support innovative solutions to community driven needs. 
  • One off celebratory, educational, competitive, commemorative or exhibitive projects and events that help specific community groups to celebrate their identity and culture to be shared with the wider community. 

The Community Events and Programmes Fund has two funding rounds in 2024-2025 as follows: 

  • Round 1

Opens 1 August 2024 and closes at 11.59pm on 31 August 2024. Events, projects or programmes cannot begin before 1 November 2024. 

  • Round 2

Opens 1 February 2025 and closes at 11.59pm on 28 February 2025.  Events, projects or programmes cannot begin before 1 May 2025. 

Applicant Instructions

  1. Applicants must complete all questions on their application, supplying copies of all supporting documentation. Where there is missing information or documentation the applicant should explain why. Incomplete applications may result in a request for funding being declined. While the grant remains open for applications, Council Officers may attempt to give applicants an opportunity to rectify missing elements, but no guarantee is given in this regard and no request for extra information infers eligibility for a grant. 
  2. All successful applicants are accountable for Council funding according to the below terms and conditions. No less than nine (9) months after funding is awarded, successful applicants must have completed the project and the requisite accountability form, attaching copies of all receipts (a receipt is required for any budget line item amounting to $250 or more).  
  3. Failure to provide adequate and timely reporting on funding may preclude further applications to grants administered by the Horowhenua District Council (HDC). 
  4. Any significant changes to the proposed project must be advised to the fund administrator immediately. Where partial funding is granted, unless otherwise expressed in writing, the applicant agrees (when uplifting the grant) that reduced funding will not affect the project as described in the application, despite shortfall.  
  5. If the application is successful, recognition of Horowhenua District Council's grant must be made in any advertising or promotion of the applicant's project. Applicants should attach all supporting documentation that could assist the Subcommittee in their selection process. 

In all cases applicants must include:

  • Written quotes for each expense item in your project budget that have a cost of over $250. Local suppliers should be used where possible. Where a preferred quote is not the least expensive quote provided, this should be indicated by the applicant.
  • A copy of your organisations latest financial statements (accounts) that includes disclosure of financial assistance received from other sources. Funds tagged for specific purposes must be clearly identified. HDC reserves the right to request that an applicant’s financial accounts are reviewed or audited as a condition of any grant awarded.
  • An up-to-date bank document that clearly an account in the name of the applicant organisation (or parent body).